Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education and Research is attached to CAUVERY MEDICAL CENTER, a 350 bedded corporate hospital for clinical training.
Pharm. D(Post Baccalaureate) Course:
Pharm.D (Doctor of Pharmacy) is a course in Pharmacy which was approved by Govt. of India in the year 2008 with Pharmacy Council of India being the apex body governing it. This course was developed with an objective that pharmacists should play an important role in patient care as members of the health care team.
Pharm.D (Post Baccalaureate) is a three years program including two years study with clinical training involving posting in speciality units in 300 bedded multi speciality hospital for ward round participation, training in Drug information centre, training in Pharmacy and one year internship in the hospital.
Students are trained to provide drug and poison information services, patient counseling, identify drug-drug interactions, monitor adverse drug reactions, carry out therapeutic drug monitoring, ward round participation, help in drug dosage adjustment in special population and renal/hepatic patients, assist/co-ordinate in the conduct of clinical trials, promote rational use of medicines and ultimately contribute to better patient care.
There is a huge need of a Pharm D course as there are huge drug related problems, irrational drug use and non-compliance to therapy among patients suffering from various chronic diseases Pharmaceutical Care by a physician along with the technical expertise of clinical Pharmacist is the ultimate and best way of achieving better patient care.
Our practice training is designed to meet the demand of the health care industry and clinical research organization both globally and nationally.
Commencement of session: July
Job Opportunity:
Clinical Pharmacist, Hospital Pharmacist, Clinical research associates, Academician ETC.. in India and abroad.
Intake : 10
Approval of institution conducting the course of study:
Our institution has been approved by Pharmacy Council of India and affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka.
* For Pharm.D Post (Baccalaureate), a pass in B. Pharm degree examination of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences or B. Pharm examination of a ny other recognized Indian University established by law in India or any other degree courses in Pharmacy recognized as equivalent by RGUHS and Pharmacy Council of India.
* Eligible candidates are directly joining to fourth year Pharm.D course as lateral entry.
* The duration of the course shall be for three academic years (two years of study and one year internship or residency) fu ll time with each academic year spread over a period of not less than two hundred wor king days. The period of three years duration is divided into two phases –Phase I – consisting of First and Second academic year.Phase II – consisting of Internship or residency training during third year involving posting in speciality units. It is a phase of training wherein a student is exposed to actual pharmacy practice or clinical pharmacy services, and acquires skill under supervision so that he or she may become capable of functioning independently.
The candidate should have completed 17 years of age on or before 31st day of December of the year of admission to the course.
* A minimum of 80% in both theory and practical (regular) class is essential to get eligibility for sessional as well as annual exam.
Medium of Instruction:
* Medium of Instruction and Examination Shall be English.
Practical training:
Hospital posting: Every student shall be posted in constituent hospital for a period of not less than seventy five hours to be covered in not less than 200 working days in first year course (Fourth Year of P harm.D Course). In the fifth year, every student shall spend half a day in the morning hours attending ward rounds on daily basis as a part of clerkship.
Project work:
To allow the student to develop data collection and reporting skills in the area of community, hospital and clinical pharmacy, a project work shall be carried out under the supervision of a teacher. The project topic must be approved by the Head of the Department or Head of the Institution. Project work shall be presented in a written report and as a seminar at the end of the year. External and the internal examiners shall do the assessment of the project work.
* Internship is a phase of training wherein a student is expected to conduct actual practice of pharmacy and health care and acquires skills under the supervision so that he or she may become capable of functioning independently.
* A student shall be permitted to start the internship only after having passed in theory and practical of all subjects of all the previous years.
* Every student has to undergo one-year internship as per PCI regulations.
Internal Assessment Marks:
Three sessional examinations evenly spread during the academic year shall be conducted and the average marks of the best two examinations shall be computed out of a maximum 30 marks and shall constitute the sessional marks in theory.
Students are expected to perform the number of experiments listed in the respective syllabus. The average marks of the best two practical examinations shall be computed out of a maximum of 30 marks. While awarding the sessional marks of practical experiments, the following considerations should be taken into account.
* Preparation of the candidate.
* Manipulative skills.
* Results of the experiment.
* Knowledge of the experiment.
* Viva voce pertaining to the experiments only.
* Every year there shall be an examination to examine the students.
* Each examination is held twice every year. The first examination in a year is the annual examination and the second examination is supplementary examination.
* The examination includes a written and practical carrying maximum 70 marks for each part of a subject.
Criteria for Passing:
a) Candidates who have secured a minimum of 50% marks in the Theory (including sessional) and Practical (including sessional) separately in any subject or subjects shall be declared to have passed in that subject/ and exempted from appearing in that subject/s at subsequent examination.
b) Theory and Practical of a particular subject are considered as individual subjects for the purpose of pass criteria.
Eligibility for promotion to next year:
a) All students who have appeared for all the subjects and passed the first year annual examination are eligible for promotion to the second year and, so on. However, failure in more than three subjects shall debar him or her from promotion to the next year classes.
Declaration of Class:
Class shall be awarded at the end of I, II, III, IV, V and final year of Pharm.D examination as shown below:
* Distinction 75%
* First class 60% and above and less than 75%
* Second Class 50% and above and less than 60%
* Pass class shall be awarded to such of the candidates who would have passed the examination in more than one attempt. However, this shall not be applicable to candidates who are exempted in Remedial Biology and Remedial Mathematics by the RGUHS Karnataka, Bangalore.