Mrs.Deeparani .Urolagin and Mrs. Umme Hani are presenting their papers at APTI-RAKMHSU International Convention to be held at RAK Medical & Health Sciences University, Ras Al Khaiah, UAE on Monday, February 29, 2016. The Paper titles are:
- Pharmacy Education: Institutional strategy to enhance student admission to achieve diversities and inclusion of students from different ethnic origin Deeparani .Urolagin*,B.A. Vishwanath, S.Jayakumari,Umme Hani Department of Pharmacology,Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy and Education(ABIPER),Bangalore – 64, Karnataka, India
- Lesson Plan: A guide for the teacher Umme Hani*, B. A.Vishwanath and Deeparani K.Urolagin Department of Pharmaceutics, Aditya Bangalore Institute for Pharmacy Education and Research Bangalore, Karnataka, India.