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Graduation Day 2024



Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education & Research (ABIPER), Yelahanka, Bangalore, celebrated its 2024 GRADUATION DAY for outgoing B.Pharm, Pharm.D & M.Pharm students on 16th of November 2024.  A total of 157 students received their graduation certificates including special awards for 15 students for academic excellence and 5 best outgoing student awards.

Dr. Ashok Kumar Malpani, Principal of Rajiv Memorial Education Society’s College of Pharmacy Gulbarga, Karnataka, graced the occasion as Chief Guest.  Dr.Ashok addressed the gathering and gave valuable advice to the graduates. He stressed many valuable topics like about importance of time, passion, and goals.  He highlighted an abbreviation – ASK (Attitude, Skills & Knowledge) as the key to accomplishing our passions in life and ended his speech with the statement, “Outcome of education should be a character/behavior and not just a degree” by dotting a few incidences of his life.

Dr. G K Prakash, Nephrologist, Manipal Hospitals, Old Airport Road, Bangalore was the Guest of Honor for the Graduation Ceremony and conferred degrees to graduating students along with Chief Guest, and Vice Chairman of ABIPER. He addressed graduating students on the topic “Students to an Employee – Early days of Transition” and shared very insightful knowledge with the students who are now going to join the scientific and corporate world. Leaving behind their comfort zone, going to new places & meeting people, the significance of etiquette, changes in food and sleep, filling the knowledge gap, corporate systems, continuous education, and jobs in the Pharmacy profession were some of the highlights of his speech.

Dr. Priya Vishwanath, Vice Chairman, Dr. Amit Kumar Das, Principal, and Dr. Shobha Rani RH, Director, released the college magazine and newsletter on this grand occasion.

The program also included taking the ‘Pharmacist Oath’ by the graduating students, talks by graduating students and their parents, and ending with the National Anthem.

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