
Poster Drawing Competition

As part of the decennial year celebrations of Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy and Education Research, the 55th National Pharmacy Week was organized from December 28-31, 2016 at the college premises. As a part of celebration, poster drawing competition was conducted on December 30th .

The theme selected for this year was: “Pharmacists for a Healthy India; Role in Prevention and Management of Diabetes”

The programme was organized by: Mrs.E.M.Ramys Sudha, Dr.Ritty Sara & Dr.Nagalatha


  1. Dr. Kumudha
  2. Mrs. Bharathi

List of Winners:

  1.  P. Vaishnavi Reddy – IV Pharm D (I st Prize)
  2. Rakthim Hazarika – III B.Pharm (IInd Prize)
  3. Nandan Kumar – II D.Pharm (IIIrdPrize)
  4. Padmapriya – V Pharm.D (IV th Prize)

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