Aditya Bangalore Institute of Pharmacy Education & Research (ABIPER) has hosted State Level M/W Basket Ball Tournament 2024 organized by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka from 13th to 15th July 2024. Inaugural program happened on 13th July 2024 for which Dr. B. Vasanth Shetty, Deputy Registrar, RGUHS graced as the Chief Guest while Mr. Sanjay Raj, International Basket Ball Player, and Eklavya Award winner has accepted the invitation and graced as the Guest of Honour. The Principal and Administrative Officer of Aditya BIPER and Director, Aditya architecture college along with the University appointed Observers Mr. Mahesh C P, PED, College of Dental Sciences, Davangere and Mr. Satya raj, Deputy Dean, DYES academy attended the inaugural function. Chief Guest and Guest of Honor addressed the gathering and mentioned about significance of sports and its relation to health and fitness and wished all players and good play in the next 3 days. Physical Director of ABIPER Mr. Shantha Raju has detailed on game instructions to the players.
About 30 Men’s Teams and 10 Women’s Teams have participated in the tournament and the winners of the tournament were:
Men :
Winners: SSIMRC Davangere
Runners: Kanachur college, Mangalore
3rd Prize: BMCRI
4th Prize: Atal Bihari Vajpayee college
Winners: Vaidehi Medical college
Runners: SSIMRC Davangere
3rd Prize: BGS college
4th Prize: Oxford college.